Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Things you should know before surgery

First off, there are things that I have learned from this surgery. You definitely need a great support system. You have to have that because for the first couple of days, you are going to be pretty helpless.

On that note, I should give a few shout outs to my support system:
My awesome boyfriend, Kris (who has definitely helped me out to when I was at my worst), and keeps me laughing, calm, and gives me everything that I need. I really do appreciate this and love you for all that you have done

Cameron, for checking up on me every day and seeing if I need anything, along with visiting me and keeping me company

Joyel, for being there with your funny picture texts, fb chats, and texts checking up on me in case I need anything, whether it was coffee or ice cream

Heather, again thank you for getting me out of the house and texting and checking up on me and seeing if I need anything

Tammy, you have always been there for me! You texted Kris while I was in surgery, and texted and messaged me to make sure I didn't need anything. Even though you live farther, I do appreciate that you truly care about me! Love you!!

CJ, every time I see a post about your writings and projects, I kept saying to myself that I am going to do this. Even though some of this is written after the dates, I am doing it!

         Ok. Things I have learned--trying to put a little humor into this
Crutches suck. Maybe because I am not all that coordinated, but they suck. Especially when you go to the kitchen and make a cup of coffee and realize that you can't take that cup into living room to watch tv. They really need to invent/create the neck basket instead of spoofing it on TruTv. Same goes for if you need to make anything to eat. I had to have a computer chair in the kitchen so I could sit down and eat.

With my knee brace, the only position you can sleep is on your back. I was told after my 2 week post op, I could sleep on my side if I wanted to. Tried that, it isn't easy when your quad is pretty much atrophied and weak. So, back to sleeping on my back it is.

The portable cold therapy machine is one of the best inventions ever!! It's a pad that wraps around your knee and has 3 hoses that connect to a machine that circulates 42 degree water to your knee. For the first 2 weeks, I used that thing 24/7. It was always by my side. Million times better than a bag of frozen peas, trust me on this one.

You are given pain reliever for a reason. I was given good ones along with some that weren't as good. For the first few weeks, I had a notecard that Kris wrote the times and which medicines I needed to take. Also, when you go to the doctor they will ask you if you need more meds. Make sure you have enough. On that note, make sure you buy fiber supplements...tmi I know, but trust me on this one

Make sure you have things to entertain you, whether it is books, tv, Facebook, Twitter, or people. You get really bored fast, especially when you can't do a whole lot. On that note, thank god for the never ending Simpsons marathon :)

Have patience. I am not a patient person. I remember my mom always telling me "Jennifer, patience is a virtue that you clearly do not have".

Little things you take for granted: showering, eating, sleeping, changing clothes, and walking.
You can't take a shower until you go to the doctor for post op appointment where they remove the bulky dressings. Make sure you have dry shampoo, and baby wipes. Also, when they say you can take a shower, you have to wrap your leg in a garbage bag---with the brace on since you can't get your stitches wet.

With the bulky dressing and brace on my knee, I found it was next to impossible to change clothes. Mainly because nothing of mine would get over the brace. Kris to the rescue! He got me a couple of dresses (kinda like swimsuit cover ups, but if needed, I could wear in public) and some of his boxers and t shirts. His boxers are very comfortable and go over the brace without any problems.

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