Tuesday, August 26, 2014

July 30, 2014 surgery day

Had to wake up around 5 am. We had to be at the surgical center by 6:15. I wasn't really that nervous on the ride there, but when we got there shit got real.

Signed in, then I was called in. That was around 6:45 am. Went to the operating room area and put on the garments that they gave me. Then I went through the questions from the nurse, anastetiologist and finally my doctor came in. They saw that I was starting to get nervous, so once my doctor signed my right knee, they gave me something in my IV. The nervousness stemmed from me starting to realize that this was happening and I just needed to be calm and go through with it.

I woke up and the first person I saw was Kris, he said that the surgery took a little while longer because there were complications. I was so loopy and tired that I couldn't really understand what he said. I don't even remember the nurse putting the clothes I originally wore on, or really leaving the surgical center. I dozed off on the ride home and when we got home, Kris fireman carried me and brought me inside. That was all she wrote.

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