It has taken me awhile to set up this blog. The title of the post are the corresponding dates that have passed. Once I get caught up, I will come up with some clever titles
One of the most important thing I have learned throughout this journey (sounds better than process) is that I now know who my true friends are. I have friends that I have known for a long time and that I know that they will always be there for me. However, there are some that will say they will be there for anything you need, and once you ask them for something..they magically aren't there anymore
Also, there are the friends you didn't expect would be there through thick and thin, but when you are in a crisis...they jump in to help and support.
And there are the friends, that in a group will say that they have been there for you just to make themselves look better. The two things I think about them are karma and making the Kermit the frog face ( you know that face..the one where he is drinking the tea memes)
I remember a quote a friend of mine said..."if you are in crisis or in need, you want someone that will ride or die for you". Yep, that's what I need. People who I can count on to "ride or die" and know that I feel the same way. Note to self: probably need to clean out some Facebook friends.
"Ride or die"
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